Greet your wife. It is polite to greet someone when you walk into the room. You may have had a rough day at work, or a long day of errands, but if you greet your wife with a few words, a kiss and a smile when you enter and exit the home, it will mean a lot to her. It is a thoughtful gesture of acknowledgement that she will definitely notice.
Keep your word. When you say you are going to do something, follow through, no matter how big or small the task. It doesn't matter if you say you're going to do the dishes or buy her a yacht, keep your word. This shows that you respect her enough to be dependable. This act of respect helps to strengthen her trust in you.
Be faithful to your wife. This means physically and emotionally faithful. Many people realize that unfaithfulness is hurtful, but don't realize just how disrespectful it truly is to their mate. Your wife wants to feel that she is the only person you want to be with. You may have straying eyes or thoughts occasionally. You are human. But that doesn't make it OK to ogle other women or flirt with others, whether your wife is present or not. Show your wife respect by controlling yourself and by staying true to your marriage vows.
Be present. These days, many people have very busy schedules, making it difficult for husbands and wives to get all the quality time they need. But make sure that when you do get a few moments to be with your wife, you are present and engaged. It's far too easy to let your mind drift to work, the kids, the car that's messing up, the game, or a thousand other topics. Listen to her when she speaks, as you would listen to anyone whom you respect. Add to the conversation; share your thoughts and feelings.
Make big decisions together. Do not decide for her and don't feel the need to always take control of the situation, even if you are considered the "leader" of the relationship. In situations that affect your wife and your family, you should include her. This is what partnership is about. Caring about and implementing her opinion is a perfect way to show her that you respect her point of view.
Saturday, December 14, 2013
Tuesday, January 15, 2013
Advice for man out there :*
If you have your perfect woman, take care of her! Pay attention to her. Every time she is speaking to you, make an effort to look her in the eyes and understand what she is saying. If you do not understand, tell her. This will show her that you are listening and would like to hear what she has to say.
Prove yourself to her daily. If you give her your word that you will be there for her, follow through all the time not just part of the time. How can anyone love or care for someone and lie to them at the same time?
Be unconditionally honest with her. Even small lies to save her feelings can lead to problems later on. Telling her the truth is the best way to build a healthy and trusting relationship.
Respect her mind, body, and soul. She is a unique individual, whether you believe that or not. Don't make anything or anyone else more important than her or above her. There are many paths of life and hers may be differing from yours. Accept her and cherish her for who she is; after all, she's the only one who will always be there for you if you treat her right. Remember, you're not the only man in this world: there is a man for her that would love her and care for her if you don't. A woman wants a man that will put her first, above everyone or everything else, and show her that he loves her and cares about her. If you can't do that let her go and find someone who can and who will be fair with her; at least show her that you do have some good in you.
Perform random acts of kindness. Be creative. Call her when you're are not together, as often as you can and tell her that you are thinking about her. Send her a little note through the mail while you're away. Paste a note on her mirror telling her that you love her. A picture is worth a thousand words. Leave her a flower and a sincere note. Remember; if you love this person and care about her at all,you would be kind and not do things to make her feel that you are lying about some of the things that you do. Believe me a woman can tell and if you doubt that your stupid and that says you don't really care or love her.6Spend quality time with her. Simply making time to switch off the TV, sit down and just talk with your loved one will show that you respect and care about her, and are willing to listen to what she wants to say. Thoughtful little gestures are often far more powerful than big easy gifts.
Let her know exactly how you feel about her. Look within. Exactly what does this woman mean to you? Write it down. Give it to her. Don't be afraid to let her know.
When you are away, whether it be at work or just out and about, take the time to call her with loving thoughts and words. It's just polite and shows respect! Let her know that although you're away, she is on your mind.
Never lose contact for an unreasonable length of time. If you have not seen her for a few days, call her and tell her how much she means to you, and that you can't wait to see her again.
Tell her how much you adore her every day! Everyone wants to know that they are loved and appreciated.
Never take her for granted. If you're not making much of an effort to be honest and show her you care, there's a good chance that she will make it clear that she no longer wishes to put up with your selfishness and lies. You should never put anything else before her, if you really love her or care about her and want to be with her the rest of your life.
Men often forget what it's like to be alone. Take some time to think about how she has made your life better and the happiness that she brings you; do not take her presence for granted.
You should always make her feel that she is important to you, above everything else in your life.
If you truly love and care about someone you should make it your priority to make her happy. Her happiness should be important to you; take care not to hurt her. Listen to her if she tells you that she is unhappy with something you are doing, and do something about it. Remember that women do not always say what they feel, however. If you feel that something is wrong in your relationship, try to find a time when both of you are calm and collected and talk to her about it. Ask her if there is anything that is making her unhappy, and listen to what she tells you. While you should not try to change yourself for another person, you should be willing to change your behaviour to make your loved one happy.15When she is trying to help you, listen to her and take her words into consideration. Showing her that you're willing to take her advice will help to build a respectful, equal relationship.
Prove yourself to her daily. If you give her your word that you will be there for her, follow through all the time not just part of the time. How can anyone love or care for someone and lie to them at the same time?
Be unconditionally honest with her. Even small lies to save her feelings can lead to problems later on. Telling her the truth is the best way to build a healthy and trusting relationship.
Respect her mind, body, and soul. She is a unique individual, whether you believe that or not. Don't make anything or anyone else more important than her or above her. There are many paths of life and hers may be differing from yours. Accept her and cherish her for who she is; after all, she's the only one who will always be there for you if you treat her right. Remember, you're not the only man in this world: there is a man for her that would love her and care for her if you don't. A woman wants a man that will put her first, above everyone or everything else, and show her that he loves her and cares about her. If you can't do that let her go and find someone who can and who will be fair with her; at least show her that you do have some good in you.
Perform random acts of kindness. Be creative. Call her when you're are not together, as often as you can and tell her that you are thinking about her. Send her a little note through the mail while you're away. Paste a note on her mirror telling her that you love her. A picture is worth a thousand words. Leave her a flower and a sincere note. Remember; if you love this person and care about her at all,you would be kind and not do things to make her feel that you are lying about some of the things that you do. Believe me a woman can tell and if you doubt that your stupid and that says you don't really care or love her.6Spend quality time with her. Simply making time to switch off the TV, sit down and just talk with your loved one will show that you respect and care about her, and are willing to listen to what she wants to say. Thoughtful little gestures are often far more powerful than big easy gifts.
Let her know exactly how you feel about her. Look within. Exactly what does this woman mean to you? Write it down. Give it to her. Don't be afraid to let her know.
When you are away, whether it be at work or just out and about, take the time to call her with loving thoughts and words. It's just polite and shows respect! Let her know that although you're away, she is on your mind.
Never lose contact for an unreasonable length of time. If you have not seen her for a few days, call her and tell her how much she means to you, and that you can't wait to see her again.
Tell her how much you adore her every day! Everyone wants to know that they are loved and appreciated.
Never take her for granted. If you're not making much of an effort to be honest and show her you care, there's a good chance that she will make it clear that she no longer wishes to put up with your selfishness and lies. You should never put anything else before her, if you really love her or care about her and want to be with her the rest of your life.
Men often forget what it's like to be alone. Take some time to think about how she has made your life better and the happiness that she brings you; do not take her presence for granted.
You should always make her feel that she is important to you, above everything else in your life.
If you truly love and care about someone you should make it your priority to make her happy. Her happiness should be important to you; take care not to hurt her. Listen to her if she tells you that she is unhappy with something you are doing, and do something about it. Remember that women do not always say what they feel, however. If you feel that something is wrong in your relationship, try to find a time when both of you are calm and collected and talk to her about it. Ask her if there is anything that is making her unhappy, and listen to what she tells you. While you should not try to change yourself for another person, you should be willing to change your behaviour to make your loved one happy.15When she is trying to help you, listen to her and take her words into consideration. Showing her that you're willing to take her advice will help to build a respectful, equal relationship.
Im backk :D
Hello dudes and dudetes
I know, I haven't been around for a while. 2 years to be exact. Where have I gone? Why didn't I posts again? Well, I have a better excuse other than the fact that I was busy with school, works and stuff. Well at least I'm back now with the new me :D. Just so u know. I'm now in Indonesia. Came beck in June 2012... Didn't really do anything though except preparing for my wedding celebration for September 2012.
Oh well there are a lot to share about my wedding, my honeymoon n what I've been doing in Jakarta for this couple of months. I will share it later in my upcoming post. so STANDBY for that :*
Anyway, I wanted to share this right now:
-I wish smokers would appreciate non-smokers as much as non-smokers tolerate smokers smoking in front of them. I am a non-smoker, but I have no issue with smokers because such is a personal option. However, I am irritated when smokers smoke in non-smoking areas. Wouldn't life be much nicer if people can obey to such simple rules? It's called "tolerance" because this world is shared.
-Time is valuable, because we only own 24 hours in a day, and I live by the rule that "today might be my last day". I guess such thinking has always been my biggest push to do my best and enjoy each day, and such thinking is the reason why I mind when people seem to waste (my) time. You see, this is another form of tolerance. Appreciating that other people have their own things to do, we should not waste other people's time and vice versa. We should all try to be more time-efficient. Look around. Observe, analyze, understand, think, and have reasons for the things we ask other people to do for us. This is Jakarta, where traffic jam is a daily dose. Lessen our traveling distance whenever possible, think ways to avoid getting other people stuck in traffic jam just to attend our meeting-invitation which probably could have been done through a simple tele-con, work out midpoints that is the closest for everyone, be fair when assessing who needs who. In the latter, the one who needs the other should be the one accommodating rather than demanding. Make it into a habit to brief and correspondence via emails or phone. Keep things quick and simple. Life should not just be about working and getting stuck in the traffic jam. There should be a part in our day spent just to relax and have quality time with ourselves or family.
-Today has been my zillionth time greeting someone I know in public by sharing a smile and waving my hand but got no respond at all. Most of the time the other person just looks away and pretend that they don't know me. I wonder why. Maybe they just don't like me hehehehehehehe...
-Regardless whatever arguments and disagreements my parents and I share, seeing my parents smile at the end of the day is the best best best thing in life. The people you fight with are most often the people worth fighting for. I love you, mom and dad...:)
I know, I haven't been around for a while. 2 years to be exact. Where have I gone? Why didn't I posts again? Well, I have a better excuse other than the fact that I was busy with school, works and stuff. Well at least I'm back now with the new me :D. Just so u know. I'm now in Indonesia. Came beck in June 2012... Didn't really do anything though except preparing for my wedding celebration for September 2012.
Oh well there are a lot to share about my wedding, my honeymoon n what I've been doing in Jakarta for this couple of months. I will share it later in my upcoming post. so STANDBY for that :*
Anyway, I wanted to share this right now:
-I wish smokers would appreciate non-smokers as much as non-smokers tolerate smokers smoking in front of them. I am a non-smoker, but I have no issue with smokers because such is a personal option. However, I am irritated when smokers smoke in non-smoking areas. Wouldn't life be much nicer if people can obey to such simple rules? It's called "tolerance" because this world is shared.
-Time is valuable, because we only own 24 hours in a day, and I live by the rule that "today might be my last day". I guess such thinking has always been my biggest push to do my best and enjoy each day, and such thinking is the reason why I mind when people seem to waste (my) time. You see, this is another form of tolerance. Appreciating that other people have their own things to do, we should not waste other people's time and vice versa. We should all try to be more time-efficient. Look around. Observe, analyze, understand, think, and have reasons for the things we ask other people to do for us. This is Jakarta, where traffic jam is a daily dose. Lessen our traveling distance whenever possible, think ways to avoid getting other people stuck in traffic jam just to attend our meeting-invitation which probably could have been done through a simple tele-con, work out midpoints that is the closest for everyone, be fair when assessing who needs who. In the latter, the one who needs the other should be the one accommodating rather than demanding. Make it into a habit to brief and correspondence via emails or phone. Keep things quick and simple. Life should not just be about working and getting stuck in the traffic jam. There should be a part in our day spent just to relax and have quality time with ourselves or family.
-Today has been my zillionth time greeting someone I know in public by sharing a smile and waving my hand but got no respond at all. Most of the time the other person just looks away and pretend that they don't know me. I wonder why. Maybe they just don't like me hehehehehehehe...
-Regardless whatever arguments and disagreements my parents and I share, seeing my parents smile at the end of the day is the best best best thing in life. The people you fight with are most often the people worth fighting for. I love you, mom and dad...:)
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
when girls get scary!!!

"The only thing scarier than a grizzly bear would be angry woman on PMS" -My friend Taufan-
The first time he said that, I was shocked. I mean, with all the girl power spirit and all that, the sentence is pretty mean, right? Sweet ladies like you and me? Grizzly bear? No, of course not!
A lot of guys complain all the time whenever us women have period but they just don't know how it feels to bleed for a few days a month. Some of them even DARE to defend themselves by saying they have to deal with their morning problem everyday too. Hello, your morning problem isn't even a problem, boys. Dealing with it will usually be fun to you.
One of my friends said it best, "Men, if you don't understand how PMS feels like, imagine being in a very hot weather, hungry at the same time, AND your favorite sport team lost a match."
Fair enough, I say. Let's not forget how it also hurts, gives you abdominal cramps, and mostly makes you crave for something. BADLY. And if you don't get it, you feel like the world is crashing down.
So yeah, sometimes... well sometimes, it can turn you into a total B-word.
I have quite a few experience on being a B-word when I crave for something during said time of the month. Sometimes it's easy to deal with, like when I want a bar of chocolate. I buy it, eat it, curse myself for eating it a little too much, remind myself that time of the month makes it okay, and be normal and tame again like a baby bear.
Sometimes it's a bit harder to deal with. Like when I want specific things. Maybe specific brand of frozen yogurt with specific toppings ( Pinkberry's combination of mango and regular Fro-yo with dark chocolate cruchy, mochi and almond ) , caramel popcorn bought at a specific movie theater ( Blitz Megaplex, if you live in Jakarta. Bring me! ) , or something non-food related, like an hour full body reflexology massage or a new pair of gorgeous platform pumps. The last one can be pretty expensive but come on, blame it on the blood. I buy it, eat / have it, curse myself for eating / shopping a little too much, remind myself that time of the month makes it okay, and be normal and tame again like a baby bear.
And sometimes during that time of the month, what you crave / want can't always be found.
This is where everyone around you should be running away as far as possible because there's NO WAY you can be a baby bear again this time. No freakin' way, not unless you get what you want. Prepare for hell to break loose.
Ladies, how are you like when you have PMS? Any crazy cravings? Have you gone out of way to get something you crave so much when it happens?
Men, how do you deal with all these? My advise to you : DO NOT talk. At all. You wont be much of a help, but ice cream will.
Monday, July 12, 2010
Saturday, April 24, 2010
Im backkkk
I guess I'm charged guilty for not blogging for a month or maybe its been more than a months. Will you forgive me? I've got no excuses left, so I might as well just admit that I had no passion to write or share anything whatsoever this past month. I've been getting so so so many emails from my friends in Indonesia, which is really, very sweet. Emails of encouragement and support, some only said hi, and some ask a bunch of silly questions, not forgetting that they all kept on asking me “when I'm going back to Indo”. All I can say to you guys is I surely missed you all a loads but for now I just wanted to say thank you all for still having me in your thoughts, but too bad this year is still not the year that I will go back yet to Indo....:( I know, i know that I’ve been telling most of the people that I will be back this year… but plan had changed .. ehmm as prolly most of you already know, I still have to pursue my bachelor degree in here. .. Moreover, I found someone that I love too here (isn't it great...:) )… I thought that maybe I would find my future career in here too… who knows right…? eventhough the opportunity is small to have a job here for me cause i have no working permit, green card, etc... but I'll never know,especially I know that God already made a plan on what I have to do in the future...So I guess since I’d given this opportunity to pursue my ed here, why wouldn't I try to do it?I will do the best I could so that I could accomplished it n have a better future.
Anyway, I wouldnt talk a loadsss about myself.... but two weeks ago, I had this heart-to-heart conversation with my classmate.
Well, actually she told me some stuff, so I wouldn't considered it as a heart to heart converstaion,,, or maybe it is.. well whatever! After all, what I did was listening to her conversation.
Anyway, she liked this guy in her office. A few years older than her and way more accomplished : middle level associate position, very classy attitude. According to her, he's the kind of guy you'd love to bring home to your family, the kind you wanna settle down with. For this story's purpose, let's call him Mr. Scoobydoo bydoo.
Her crush on him was so huge, it's practically all she talked about. I go out with her for lunch almost every day after the class that we took together and there's always a moment that we talk about him.
Until today, that is.
I asked her casually how he's doing and she said whatever. So of course I know something's up. She then proceeded to tell me that she doesn't like him anymore and she finds him annoyingly dull. How so, right? That girl have told me in details how she wanted their honeymoon to be. I mean, girlie, what happen to making babies on a fancy yacht in the Southern France? Too much info, by the way.
She stated that Mr. Scooby doo bydoo is too much work. He's very self absorbed because he knows that he's in demand. He acts like guys in The Bachelor. He's not down to earth at all, too fancy, and she just saw him asking the blackberry pin of another intern in their office who also hangs out with her from time to time.
Ahhhh, so that's the problem.
I gotta admit I used to do that back in my young age if i like a guy (doesnt mean that im old now.. but I always think that im not young anymore, especially that im over the 20th of age). I like a guy, a lot of my days spent obsessing over him and what he likes, being a real girly girl who always wants to look pretty in front of him and as soon as I find him giving attention to another girl, I stop liking him. Hell, I might dislike him instantly just like that. In a snap. Boom, you're ugly, I hate you.
In a way, it's so high school. Him talking to another girl and asking for her number or blackberry pin or whatever does not always mean he's hitting on her, right? I can see how it may look like it but any single person can mingle with anyone he or she wants.
So why do we do this? Is it just because it's easier to cross their names off our list rather than accepting the fact that they're more interested in other people? I've been in that situation and it's a pretty unpleasant feeling to not have our crush seem to be interested in getting to know us more. After all, asking for someone's contact details mean they want to keep in touch, right?
I don't know, maybe I'm over analyzing. But I KNOW WHERE SHE'S COMING FROM. Call me shallow but I'm also THAT girl who stopped liking a guy and wanted him out of my face if he didn't look like he would chase me back.
But anyway good knowing that i have boyfriend now.. so this kind of situation wouldnt happen to me no more... woot wootz..!
Anyway, I wouldnt talk a loadsss about myself.... but two weeks ago, I had this heart-to-heart conversation with my classmate.
Well, actually she told me some stuff, so I wouldn't considered it as a heart to heart converstaion,,, or maybe it is.. well whatever! After all, what I did was listening to her conversation.
Anyway, she liked this guy in her office. A few years older than her and way more accomplished : middle level associate position, very classy attitude. According to her, he's the kind of guy you'd love to bring home to your family, the kind you wanna settle down with. For this story's purpose, let's call him Mr. Scoobydoo bydoo.
Her crush on him was so huge, it's practically all she talked about. I go out with her for lunch almost every day after the class that we took together and there's always a moment that we talk about him.
Until today, that is.
I asked her casually how he's doing and she said whatever. So of course I know something's up. She then proceeded to tell me that she doesn't like him anymore and she finds him annoyingly dull. How so, right? That girl have told me in details how she wanted their honeymoon to be. I mean, girlie, what happen to making babies on a fancy yacht in the Southern France? Too much info, by the way.
She stated that Mr. Scooby doo bydoo is too much work. He's very self absorbed because he knows that he's in demand. He acts like guys in The Bachelor. He's not down to earth at all, too fancy, and she just saw him asking the blackberry pin of another intern in their office who also hangs out with her from time to time.
Ahhhh, so that's the problem.
I gotta admit I used to do that back in my young age if i like a guy (doesnt mean that im old now.. but I always think that im not young anymore, especially that im over the 20th of age). I like a guy, a lot of my days spent obsessing over him and what he likes, being a real girly girl who always wants to look pretty in front of him and as soon as I find him giving attention to another girl, I stop liking him. Hell, I might dislike him instantly just like that. In a snap. Boom, you're ugly, I hate you.
In a way, it's so high school. Him talking to another girl and asking for her number or blackberry pin or whatever does not always mean he's hitting on her, right? I can see how it may look like it but any single person can mingle with anyone he or she wants.
So why do we do this? Is it just because it's easier to cross their names off our list rather than accepting the fact that they're more interested in other people? I've been in that situation and it's a pretty unpleasant feeling to not have our crush seem to be interested in getting to know us more. After all, asking for someone's contact details mean they want to keep in touch, right?
I don't know, maybe I'm over analyzing. But I KNOW WHERE SHE'S COMING FROM. Call me shallow but I'm also THAT girl who stopped liking a guy and wanted him out of my face if he didn't look like he would chase me back.
But anyway good knowing that i have boyfriend now.. so this kind of situation wouldnt happen to me no more... woot wootz..!
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
I f you love your mother, watch the Mamma Mia Show

Hey guys, I wanted to share my experience and tell you a little bit about my first experience in Broadway Show of Mamma Mia, it was pretty AWE to the SOME.... HOHOHO... anyway, if you haven't watch the show, you better asked your family, friends, neighbors, etc to come and join you ASAP... I guaranteed you will not regret after watching this show.
Mamma Mia is a one of the best musical performance in Broadway and also originated from one of the famous music group called ABBA. Yes, if you are fans of the band, ABBA, you definitely need to watch this show. This show consists of twenty songs and from the beginning until the end of the show, I can never take my eyes off of the performance because the show was just simply amazing, fun and entertaining. The audiences, including myself, get to sing along and even dance when the song played.
Mamma Mia's two leading characters are Alyse Alan Louis as Sophie Sheridan and Beth Leavel as Donna Sheridan, Sophie's mother. The set was simply amazing and cleverly done which made it easier for me to tell where they were because every scene has different settings. I also love the end of the show, the setting was managed beautifully and it showed a romantic view which allows me to feel the romance in the air. Anthony Van laast, the choreographer made the casts did their performances and their choreography amazingly and they seemed to enjoy it because they are having a good time performing. The seats in the theater were packed and they were eager to watch the show. Moreover, the wonderful parts for the audience were when the cast performed some of the ABBA song.
The show grabbed my attention from the very beginning. It took place in Greece. It started with Sophie singing the song “I Have a Dream” hoping that she would know who her father was so that he could walk her down on the aisle on her wedding day. She has gotten some information of three possible men that could be her father from reading her mother’s old diary. She sends them letters, hoping that they would all come. A problem started to occur on the day her three possible fathers arrived, Patrick Bolt (Bill Austin), John Dosset (Sam Carmichael) and David A, Macdonald (Harry bright). First, Dana was surprised to see her ex lover and sang “Mamma Mia”, which saddened her and she proceeds to her room. Sophie was also confused because she couldn’t find out who her real father was after she has spoken to each of them and they all had convinced her. So Sophie told her fiancĂ© Sky (Corey Greenan), but he accused her of wanting the wedding just to find out who her real father was. He was upset that Sophie didn’t tell him at the beginning, he went just as Sam approached Sophie and gave her some fatherly advice but she wouldn’t want to listen. When it was time for the wedding, Sophie asked her mom to help her prepared with everything. It was just an emotional moment because the song that her mom sang to her makes her sad and it was related to their situation. The song is about a parent who will lose the children to someone else to take the responsible. That moment brought tears to my eyes, because I felt the emotion that was shown on the show. The situation by hearing Dana sang made me wondered, since I’m the only child, I questioned myself, “what would happen to my parents if I’m getting married someday?” When the wedding begin, before the priest said anything Dana told everyone on the aisle that Sophie’s father was there, although she wasn’t sure who it really was but Sophie doesn’t care because she love three of them and make them all as her father. At the end Sophie announced that she is not going to get marriage and Sky agreed with her because they wanted to continue their life. Since there are no wedding going on, Sam proposed Dana and she agreed on it, so the one that finally gets married are Sam and Dana. I was so surprised seeing how the end goes, but then again I was happy because I thought Sophie’s father will remain untold, but it seems that it is happy ending after all for Sophie’s mom and her husband.
At the end of the show after all the cast members bow and greet the audience, the casts perform a couple more songs that makes the audience sing along and dance too. The show was just so entertaining; there are laughter and even tears too at some time. Every song fits into the story perfectly and it reminds me some of the songs that can be related to my life. Sometime when we are in love, we have our own songs which describe how our heart feels and how our situation is and looking at the show just makes it more believable.
In conclusion, watching the first musical show in Broadway makes me want to go to another Broadway show again someday and see how the differences would be. I would recommend the Mamma Mia show because it was just so entertaining and it had a lot of humor going on. It’s good for people who are too stressed out at work or at school because watching this will be the medicine for every stressed that occurred, this show is also for people in the old age, so that they can feel young again. Remember, the Mamma Mia Broadway show must not be missed!
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