"The only thing scarier than a grizzly bear would be angry woman on PMS" -My friend Taufan-
The first time he said that, I was shocked. I mean, with all the girl power spirit and all that, the sentence is pretty mean, right? Sweet ladies like you and me? Grizzly bear? No, of course not!
A lot of guys complain all the time whenever us women have period but they just don't know how it feels to bleed for a few days a month. Some of them even DARE to defend themselves by saying they have to deal with their morning problem everyday too. Hello, your morning problem isn't even a problem, boys. Dealing with it will usually be fun to you.
One of my friends said it best, "Men, if you don't understand how PMS feels like, imagine being in a very hot weather, hungry at the same time, AND your favorite sport team lost a match."
Fair enough, I say. Let's not forget how it also hurts, gives you abdominal cramps, and mostly makes you crave for something. BADLY. And if you don't get it, you feel like the world is crashing down.
So yeah, sometimes... well sometimes, it can turn you into a total B-word.
I have quite a few experience on being a B-word when I crave for something during said time of the month. Sometimes it's easy to deal with, like when I want a bar of chocolate. I buy it, eat it, curse myself for eating it a little too much, remind myself that time of the month makes it okay, and be normal and tame again like a baby bear.
Sometimes it's a bit harder to deal with. Like when I want specific things. Maybe specific brand of frozen yogurt with specific toppings ( Pinkberry's combination of mango and regular Fro-yo with dark chocolate cruchy, mochi and almond ) , caramel popcorn bought at a specific movie theater ( Blitz Megaplex, if you live in Jakarta. Bring me! ) , or something non-food related, like an hour full body reflexology massage or a new pair of gorgeous platform pumps. The last one can be pretty expensive but come on, blame it on the blood. I buy it, eat / have it, curse myself for eating / shopping a little too much, remind myself that time of the month makes it okay, and be normal and tame again like a baby bear.
And sometimes during that time of the month, what you crave / want can't always be found.
This is where everyone around you should be running away as far as possible because there's NO WAY you can be a baby bear again this time. No freakin' way, not unless you get what you want. Prepare for hell to break loose.
Ladies, how are you like when you have PMS? Any crazy cravings? Have you gone out of way to get something you crave so much when it happens?
Men, how do you deal with all these? My advise to you : DO NOT talk. At all. You wont be much of a help, but ice cream will.
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