You know what, you know what…let me tell you guys something!!!!
This is the typical me. Diligently push myself to acquire understanding of my classes at the beginning of the semester in my previous school. Execute my worries having homework during the weekend by finishing it before hand, having dark circles and eyes bags due to staying up late studying for a test/quiz, paying full attention in class, taking notes, etcetera. But my attitude now changes when I transferred my school to Baruch College. I choose movies over text books, going out over studying, sleeping over doing assignments, drinking over getting stressed out obtaining understanding toward my studies (okay not really but yeah whatever)
I know, I know that tenacity is needed to separate success from failure, but I just can’t help it. (Screaming out loud: “I CAN’T HELP IT”) Temptation is everywhere…. There is quiz and assignments for tomorrow and I can’t even manage to open the book. I know I hate school since the beginning of my existence. As people grow up, they naturally gravitate toward things that they do well and drift away from things they don’t do well. Some people dislike school coz things they’re good at are less emphasized due to the required coursework. But me… I don’t even know what I’m good at. Influenced (leverage) my strength in school is out of the question coz I don’t even know what I’m good at… aih aih… “sebellllllll” (oh for the people that don’t know what sebel is.. its just the short word for saying I hate being me…lmao)
I know school is a place where people can explore different knowledge and opportunities available, but I just hate being judged whether or not you’re intelligent by standardized exam. (A) means you’re smart, (B) means okay, (C) mean stupid, (D) means don’t need to go to school you need help (aka crazy, mental illness etcetera etcetera..blah blah blah…), and (F) no comment (don’t even wanna metioned about it)…well this is just from my own perception please don’ t get offended . So whoever think/care less about grades, you are like me. woot woot, But remember the pressure is still on…=P
The most important thing I guess is at the end. Some people excel well in school but not in real life. And some just have the standard knowledge and became success in real life. Just like what my dad have told me, I guess its based from his and most of his friends’ experiences. Anyway, when I was in Indonesia, I have my vision of a business empire, I already know what im gonna make, I already know how I can get the initial capital (oh, not from daddy’s money), I already know wat asset and strategies I will pursue, I already know what risk I’m going to face. what is it? I DON’T KNOW…LMAO…… (OMG I guess I must have been dreaming writing this blog.. its 3.17am….) -----please lanie get REAL… I guess I need to face the reality… its not as easy as it seems…. Okay.. guys you just wasted your time…if you are reading this s***t…HAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHA… EVIL LAUGH….
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