What is Love??? Is it a feeling of a deep passion, sexual desire or attraction between two people or more???
Based on the Wikipedia “a strong positive emotion of regard and affection; "his love for his work"; "children need a lot of love"
But what is it really means??
Okay, here we go if it comes to relationship, what does love really means to you people?
If any girls were asked, "why do you love your man??"… their answers would be in some sort of the number below:
1. They are very caring.
2. They will stand for you always, whatever may be situation.
3. They are ready to do anything for you
4. They are ready to sacrifice
5. You can call them at time, they won’t mind
6. Guys may be flirting around all day but before they go to sleep,they always think about the girl they truly care about.
7. When you touch a guy’s heart, there’s no turning back.
8. Guys love their moms. so if we can be like their mom, thy love us more
9. They will sacrifice his money for lunch just to get you a couple of roses.
10. If a guy tells you he loves you once in a lifetime. He does.
11. A usual act that proves that the guy likes you is when he teases you.
12. A Guys’ fantasies are unlimited.
13. When a girl makes the boy suffer during courtship, it would be hard for him to let go of that girl.
14. Guys have strong passion to change but have weak will power.
15. When a guy says he is going crazy about the girl. He really is
16. Guys love girls who can cook or bake. ….they loves u regardless.
17. Guys are more talkative than girls are especially when the topic is about girls
18. Guys don’t comprehend the statement “Get lost” too well.
19. A guy lets you go, if he really loves you.
20. You can truly say that a guy has good intentions if you see him praying sometimes.
21. Guys seek for advice not from a guy but from a girl.
22. Guys love you more than you love them if they are serious in your relationships
23. A Guy sees his girl friend as his second mother
24. He is a rare combination of fatherhood and motherhood, a girl can see both in one
25. Even ready to die for his girl.
Okay,, so is this really true that the guys will acted that way when they trully love their girls?? (this 25 reasons are from one of a website actually.. ehmm 4got the website's name... but yeah whatever)

Why is there something called "LOVE"? or more specifically, why do we love our boy/girlfriend (LOVERS) then??
In my opinion… You know you love someone when that person's happiness is extremely important to you, even if that means they are not going to be with you (i though that is very painful, but yeah thats a risk when u trully love someone). You know you love someone when you really trust them enough to always tell them the truth, and you know that even if they don't like what they hear that they will still accept you no matter what..
What about infatuation? This words have been asked to me lately by one of my friend who has trouble with her love ones...is it the same as love??"Infatuation is where you think obsessive happy thoughts of wanting to be with someone". Love is just like infatuation but added more toward it (like adding more spices to make it tasty on your food...okay maybe not exactly related n not what im trying to say with my point)...anyway, its when you're less afraid of losing or not having the person and more just appreciative that they are your friend/lover. And you accept them as how they are, you are aware of all their faults and do not see them as a perfect, flawless person, but you love them with all their faults.
BUT THEN AGAIN THE POINT HERE, I GUESS LOVE IS JUST SOMETHING YOU KNOW, SOMETHING YOU FEEL SO DEEPLY THAT YOU DONT QUESTION IT...LOLIm just so amazed I could write everything down,, I meant when I'm asked about this kind of question i need 15 minutes at least just to put the words altogether and tell the person that asked me directly to them, but with writing, it just flow.. eventhough,, idk if my sentence are making sense to the READER (but yet, I dont care)...wohooo...
okay so yeah lets just continue..... =)
Mentioning about "LOVE, LOVE n LOVE" words reminds me of something now =)
Long time ago I'd been asked by someone,,, whether friend and a boyfriend is the same or not… N obviously I said no its not the same… However the person that asked me still convinced me that it is the same (he thought of it as saying that what we do with our boyfriend, we can do it too with our friend, such as sharing everything to them (including stories, secret, n so on and so on), cared for them, etc..)... Though the words lover (boyfriend/girlfriends) and friend sounds the same but so far the difference between them is concerned, it is too much in the real sense...well yeah its true tho, we can do the same activities or whatsoever with both. I mean we can love them both too right?
To get the answer from me, is (cough..cough) first of all, we will have to differentiate between the definition of a lover and a friend. And then we can get to the reason why its different.... =)
Here is the meaning and the reasons:
A friend is the person who is with u when u r happy and sad. A friend is also a person who knows what we want. That knows us the way we know us. They are also the one who does a lot for us. A true friend is a relaxation for the whole life.... Life without friend is like crossing a sea without a boat.
When it comes to lover... simply means a person whether boy or a girl to whom you like or love and with whom you want to continue and exists your relations as a husband or wife through out your life. Sincerity and commitment is a must in the relationships with a lover and because without sincerity relations will not develop sincerely between both parties. Lover has the passion to sacrifice his feelings, his or likings or disliking and his or her everything, which he or she possesses...Love is a natural feeling and we may fall in love with anyone. Love is the most exquisite gift of God and it just happen without definition. He has sent a boon from Heaven so we could enjoy the charm of love the way we want to enjoy. It is like caring for somebody else unconditionally. A lover is happy in the happiness of his/her beloved. So we can considered a Lover as a person who stays with their loved ones throughout life and always keeps him/her happy :-)
A lover is someone who u chose for ur life but a friend is someone who is guiding uWhat do you guys think?????